# Getting Started

Siga is a JavaScript framework created for simplify javascript.

The DOM, Events, and Anim modules are chainable, like this:

      .animate(1000, { color: '#ff0000' })
      .click(function() { alert('clicked'); });                    

This is the easiest way to use Siga

The DOM results can be manipulated with the Siga.enumerable (source : sigaEnu.js) module methods:

      .map(function(element) { return element.innerHTML; })

The values method returns the results of the last operation, in this case each paragraph's innerHTML.

Arrays or objects can be iterated using Siga(), too:

Siga([1, 2, 3])
      .map(function(n) { return n + 1; })

    // => [2, 3, 4]